Debugging via XCP

• Communicates with the target CPU via XCP slave
• Supports “Software Debugging over XCP” protocol specified by ASAM e.V. as well as the ETAS-specific debugging protocol
• Almost the same debug feature as TRACE32 hardware-based debugger
• C/C++ debugging
• FLASH programming
• Access to all peripheral devices
• Multicore debugging
• Autosar-OS aware debugging
• Benchmark counters
• Cache debugging
• Debugging of all auxiliary controllers
• Multicore tracing via on-chip trace
• Support for Arm Cortex, GTM, MPC5xxx, RH850, TriCore
Configuration of the Software-only Debugger
Instead of sending the debug commands entered via the TRACE32 FrontEnd directly to the target CPU via the low-level debug protocol (e.g. JTAG), all debugging commands are encoded into XCP commands by the TRACE32 XCP Debug BackEnd. The XCP commands are then sent over the host computer TCP stack and a network cable to the 3rd party XCP slave. The 3rd party XCP slave translates the XCP commands back into the low-level debug commands.